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Lux et Obscurum Grimoire Soul Exchange

Lux et Obscurum – Affirmations

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Before you read through Lux et Obscurum

Lux et Obscurum Grimoire is a collection of spells, incantations, and majick utilized in the Soul Exchange universe that I have created. Although my work is fictional, I find some of this can help clear one’s psyche. Feel free to use any of the excerpts that I release if you find them helpful in your day-to-day life.

Soul Exchange was born from my nightmares, lucid dreams, and things I see when meditating. None of the characters are based on people that I know in my waking hours. The stories are Fictional; if they inspire you to create art and bring you peace and joy, please enjoy my work to your heart’s content. Otherwise, if they bring you unwanted pain and sadness, then I ask you to stop reading. Do not compromise your mental, spiritual, and physical health for this. Always remember to protect your peace and don’t let anything or anyone disturb it unless you permit it to.

With the blessings of Light and Darkness,


Note from Magus Li

Blessings of Lux et Obscurum to you, Reader.

I am Li, the steward of the Spiritual Dimensions, the Unknown, the Astral, the Hostile, the Otherworld, and the Void. This grimoire is a collection of spells, incantations, and majick from me and from those who cared to share their knowledge with me. Mostly, I use this as my journal, and if you find this book, may it guide you in the right direction.

Before you read through, I would like to give you three laws that you must always observe:

  1. The universe and its alter-verses ALWAYS demand an equivalent exchange. Know that what you would find equal and fair exchange may not mean the same thing to the universe and its alter-verses. So, be prepared to give and lose anything when you ask for its power. P.s. Do not try to cheat it. IT KNOWS EVERYTHING AND NOTHING!
  2. Do not interfere with free will. Each of us belongs to the One and to interfere with One’s free will would result in severe consequences. This law is the most difficult to follow and comprehend. This is why many of us continuously pursue the truth to understand how the universe and its alter-verses work. Tip: just try as best as you can
  3. Do not interfere with the cause and effect. This is mostly targeted at time travellers or those who have power over time. Each action causes a ripple in the universe and its alter-verses’ fabric. Each interference causes multiple raptures and divergence which would result in unchecked Chaos. Remember everyone, it’s all about keeping the balance 

These are the laws that are handed down to me and others. However, I would like to summarize it to “Just don’t be a jackass and an inconsiderate a**hole as much as possible.” We are all the extension of the One’s consciousness. Your actions toward others and the space around you have Karmic effects. Eventually, the consequences of your actions will find you.

After all, we all are in one massive circle. What goes around, comes around thrice meaner or better.

I wish I can say that I am a great individual who follows all my advice—but it is never too late for any of you. So, in every excerpt, I will rewrite these for you until you know them by heart and know that you should do better.

With all these out of the way, let’s begin.


Daily affirmations are excellent to keep yourself motivated and from spiralling. Saying my daily affirmations every day helps me summon the courage to get stuff done.

Today, I will give you three types of affirmation spells. One from me, from my good friend Ur.3el, and Ga.5rel.

May these affirmations help your day-to-day.

Blessed be!

Also published on Vocal Media Profile

I Have It All

I may not have the knowledge now

But I can attain all the information that I will ever need.

I may not be the expert now

But I have the ability to become better and wiser every day.

I may not have all the answers yet

But the pool of knowledge is within my reach.

Anything I seek and ask,

I will receive it.

Anything I need,

I will receive it.

Anything I desire,

I can obtain it.

Numbers associated with this:

1111: intuition and guidance

888: prosperity and good luck

999: reminder of your own worth

Magus Li

Also published on Vocal Media Profile

I Claim “I”

I claim I.

I accept my past, present, and future.

I claim I.

I claim all my power,

my knowledge from the past and the future,

and all the wisdom that I have and can attain.

Awaken I!

We are powerful.

We are part of One, Everything, Nothing, and Thought.

I claim I!

All our desires are within our reach.

Our word is power.

Our actions are fruitful.

Our thoughts are the future.

Awaken I!

We are powerful.

We are courageous.

We are patient.

We are blessed.

I claim I.

I claim Everything, Nothing, and what could be me.

Messages for you:

1111: intuition and guidance

888: prosperity and goodluck

999: reminder of your worth


Also published on my Vocal Media Profile

I Am

I am Multiverse.

The Weaver of Fates.

Energy flows through me.

I am Concept.

I am action.

I am.


If you ever feel confused, recite this mantra. Know thy power and cease it!

Practice it.

Weild it.

Know it.

Understand it.

Only you can set your limits. Only you have the power to believe such limits. Be delusional if you must.

Know. Thy. Power.

1111: intuition


Hi, I’m CyCy!

Thank you for reading. I truly appreciate it!

The issues for this series will be exclusively published on my website and just like the others, it will be free to read.

Check out the Shadow Work issue as well!

Shadow Work

Shout out to one of my faves, Phoebus Apollo 🖤

Thanks for singing these poems, guiding me with composing music, and showing me different types of art.

A true bestie here. xo

Anyway, come check out my other surreal poem(s) as well:

I Heard You Calling My Name
The Problem with Immortality

And my most recent ones: Oh, Cthulhu!Music To My Ears, & Pomegranate Lips.

Oh, Cthulhu!
Music To My Ears
Pomegranate Lips

Thank you for being a part of my journey and life. I truly appreciate you all!

More stuff from me:

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