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Lux et Obscurum Grimoire

Lux et Obscurum Grimoire Energy Recall

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Lux et Obscurum Grimoire is a collection of spells, incantations, and majick utilized in the Soul Exchange universe that I have created. Although my work is fictional, I find some of this can help clear one’s psyche. Feel free to use any of the excerpts that I release if you find them helpful in your day-to-day life.

Soul Exchange was born from my nightmares, lucid dreams, and things that I see when I meditate. None of the characters are based on people that I know in my waking hours. The stories are Fictional and if they inspire you to also create art, and bring you peace and joy, then please enjoy my work to your heart’s content. Otherwise, if they bring you unwanted pain and sadness, then I ask you to stop reading. Do not compromise your mental, spiritual, and physical health for this. Always remember to protect your peace and don’t let anything or anyone disturb it unless you permit it to.

With the blessings of Light and Darkness,


P.s. Li was introduced in the Soul Exchange Case Files: Always Listen to the Children

Blessings of Lux et Obscurum to you, reader.

I am Li, the steward of the Spiritual Dimensions, the Unknown, the Astral, the Hostile, the Otherworld, and the Void. This grimoire is a collection of spells, incantations, and majick from me and from those who cared to share their knowledge with me. Mostly, I use this as my journal, and if you find this book, may it guide you in the right direction.

Before you read through, I would like to give you three laws that you must always observe:

  1. The universe and its alter-verses ALWAYS demand an equivalent exchange. Know that what you would find equal and fair exchange may not mean the same thing to the universe and its alter-verses. So, be prepared to give and lose anything when you ask for its power. P.s. Do not try to cheat it. IT KNOWS EVERYTHING AND NOTHING!
  2. Do not interfere with free will. Each of us belongs to the One and to interfere with One’s free will would result in severe consequences. This law is the most difficult to follow and comprehend. This is why many of us continuously pursue the truth to gain a deeper understanding of how the universe and its alter-verses work. Tip: just try as best as you can
  3. Do not interfere with the cause and effect. This is mostly targeted at time travelers or those who have power over time. Each action causes a ripple in the universe and its alter-verses’ fabric. Each interference causes multiple raptures and divergence which would result in unchecked Chaos. Remember everyone, it’s all about keeping the balance  

These are the laws that are handed down to me and others. However, I would like to summarize it to “just don’t be a jackass and an inconsiderate a**hole as much as possible.” We are all the extension of the One’s consciousness. Your actions toward others and the space around you have Karmic effects. Eventually, the consequences of your actions will find you.

After all, we all are in one massive circle. What goes around, comes around thrice meaner or better.

I wish I can say that I am a great individual who follows all my advice—but it is never too late for any of you. So, in every excerpt, I will rewrite these for you until you know them by heart and know that you should do better.

With all these out of the way, let’s begin.

Energy Recall

It is important to recall your energy at least once a week. Even with those who do not believe in majick, I give the same advice. Recalling your energy is a good reset to your psyche, so you can have a fresh start.

It’s all about mindset, they say. And they are 100% right.

Have you been feeling drained lately? Do you remember when you have unnecessarily given your energy away to someone you know…or perhaps, you have just spent way too much time arguing on social media? Either way, it is a necessity to reset your mindset so you can conquer other things on your agenda. There is no point in trying to finish the task half-a**ed. You’ll just have more work to do and mistakes to fix the next day.

To do this, you need to relax. Take deep breaths and ground yourself. Focus on a sound, a feeling, a scent, or even a picture in your head. Anything that would clear your mind. Now, imagine all the threads suffocating you.

Cut those threads.

Yes, cut them. Those threads mean harm to you and they lead to the beings and things who are draining your energy and good fortune.

You don’t need that. No one does.

Once you have successfully cut off all those threads, take deep breaths again and imagine yourself being surrounded by light. Use it as a force field to prevent those same threads and even new ones to latch onto you.

Take as much time as you need to do this, and once you’re done, you may choose to recite this incantation:

I call back all my power and energy—

those that are borrowed, taken, or stolen, without my permission.

There shall be no one or anything that would have access to them unless I permit it.

I cast protection and light around me.

There shall be no harm, ill intentions, curses, or hexes that can affect me.

For those who try so, whether knowingly or unknowingly, I send them back healing, learning, and light so they may ascend.

With the powers of this universe and its alter-verses, I hereby declare these intentions!

Notice that I don’t send them back with I hope they die. Instead, I want them to heal and learn. Well, readers, it’s all about Karmic effects. The universe and its alter-verses like it when you send out positive vibrations that promote ascension. Keep in mind though that sending healing and learning does not mean that the receiver will go unscathed. Have you heard of “character development”? That is exactly what you’re sending and you’re allowing the universe and its alter-verses to do their job.

Now, go and keep practicing this. Remember, it is okay to have boundaries. If you have someone or something that continuously drains your energy without giving you back any valuable benefit, cut them out of your life. Your life will be much more stable and peaceful that way.

Lucky numbers of the day for you:

1111: intuition and guidance

444: give up unnecessary doubts and act decisively



Thank you for reading the first issue of the Lux et Obscurum Grimoire! The issues for this series will be exclusively published on my website and just like the others, it will be free to read. Also, if you haven’t checked out my main series, House of Trials, click here to read the Prologue.

You can connect with me on Twitter TikTok @cyrls_corner and follow my main series: Soul Exchange House of Trials at

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Also check out this pretty journal that I found on Amazon. To check out this product, click here.
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