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Lux et Obscurum Grimoire

Lux et Obscurum Grimoire Shadow Work

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Before you read through Lux et Obscurum Shadow Work

Thank you for checking out the second issue of this series: Shadow Work.

Lux et Obscurum Grimoire is a collection of spells, incantations, and majick utilized in the Soul Exchange universe that I have created. Although my work is fictional, I find some of this can help clear one’s psyche. Feel free to use any of the excerpts that I release if you find them helpful in your day-to-day life.

Soul Exchange was born from my nightmares, lucid dreams, and things I see when meditating. None of the characters are based on people that I know in my waking hours. The stories are Fictional; if they inspire you to create art and they bring you peace and joy, please enjoy my work to your heart’s content. Otherwise, if they bring you unwanted pain and sadness, then I ask you to stop reading. Do not compromise your mental, spiritual, and physical health for this. Always remember to protect your peace and don’t let anything or anyone disturb it unless you permit them to.

With the blessings of Light and Darkness,


P.S. Li was introduced in Soul Exchange Case Files – Always Listen to the Children

Lux et Obscurum – Shadow Work

Blessings of Lux et Obscurum to you, reader.

I am Li, the steward of the Spiritual Dimensions, the Unknown, the Astral, the Hostile, the Otherworld, and the Void.

This grimoire is a collection of spells, incantations, and majick from me and from those who cared to share their knowledge with me. Mostly, I use this as my journal, and if you find this book, may it guide you in the right direction.

Before you read through, I would like to give you three laws that you must always observe:

  1. The universe and its alter-verses ALWAYS demand an equivalent exchange. Know that what you would find equal and fair exchange may not mean the same thing to the universe and its alter-verses. So, be prepared to give and lose anything when you ask for its power. P.s. Do not try to cheat it. IT KNOWS EVERYTHING AND NOTHING!
  2. Do not interfere with free will. Each of us belongs to the One and to interfere with One’s free will would result in severe consequences. This law is the most difficult to follow and comprehend. This is why many of us continuously pursue the truth to understand how the universe and its alter-verses work. Tip: just try as best as you can
  3. Do not interfere with the cause and effect. This is mostly targeted at time travelers or those who have power over time. Each action causes a ripple in the universe and its alter-verses’ fabric. Each interference causes multiple raptures and divergence which would result in unchecked Chaos. Remember everyone, it’s all about keeping the balance 

These are the laws that are handed down to me and others. However, I would like to summarize it to “just don’t be a jack**s and an inconsiderate a**hole as much as possible.”

We are all the extension of the One’s consciousness. Your actions toward others and the space around you have Karmic effects. Eventually, the consequences of your actions will find you.

After all, we all are in one massive circle. What goes around, comes around thrice meaner or better.

I wish I can say that I am a great individual who follows all my advice—but it is never too late for any of you. So, in every excerpt, I will rewrite these for you until you know them by heart and know that you should do better.

With all these out of the way, let’s begin.

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is not just about performing majick tricks, hexing people, casting spells, aesthetics, astrology, moon charts, seeing Otherworldly creatures, lucid dreaming, astral projection, manifestations, crystals, etc. Although it comes with those perks, the path to Spirituality runs much deeper than that.

It is about growth, constantly facing your fears and the consequences of your mistakes, and learning everything including the sciences, math, philosophy, mythologies, different religions, social issues, languages, etc.

It is about taking accountability and understanding yourself and others around you even when you don’t feel like it.

It is about picking yourself up when you have fallen. It is about finding balance and being in tune with everything and everyone around you. It is about listening to your intuition, healing your traumas, and taking reign of your life.

It is about knowing where your energy goes and how to make use of it.

Spirituality is about awareness—becoming more aware of the impact of your thoughts and actions on yourself, and on everything and everyone around you.

Despite the popularity of Spirituality on social media, and the thousands of conflicting and concerning information about how to do it properly, I will tell you that there is no definitive guideline on how to go about it.

Each being is unique and their experiences have contributed to how they got into their current situation. Some may have awakened due to their traumas and begun their work to heal themselves, and some have stayed asleep and continued where they felt safe and comfortable.

Neither of those people is better or worse. Each one is doing what’s best for themselves. As long as they don’t consciously harm another, themselves, or the space around them, it is okay for them to follow the path they chose to be in. Each one will wake and rest when they are finally ready.

So, this is where Shadow Work comes in. Shadow Work is about sitting yourself down to face your Darkness.

Why do you have to do Shadow Work?

To be in tune and balanced, you must understand the darker parts of yourself, your past, and your actions. You must heal yourself and take accountability for not only your successes but for your mistakes and the harm that you have caused to yourself and others around you.

Shadow Work is NOT only a one-time task. It is work you have to do almost every day. This is how you heal and get stronger. Darkness helps you create boundaries and lets you understand what causes you to act in a certain manner whenever you face trials and tribulations.

No one wants to face their fears, insecurities, mistakes, and traumas. Thus, growing up is painful and often lonely.

But think about the time when you were learning something new. For instance, walking. You may not remember it well but your child-self was incredibly frustrated with how your legs would just not correspond with your brain properly. Your child-self was angry about how you kept falling and how slow you were compared to the adults around you.

Yet eventually, you learned how to stand strong on your feet. Walk properly. Next thing you knew, you were running.

If this does not resonate with you, just remember the time you have to learn how to count or say your ABCs. Remembering what comes after next is never easy. Yet here we are, now you know how to do basic or complicated math, and you can now read and understand what you are reading.

That is the essence of Shadow Work. It is about learning and growing.

Since there is much to encompass in this topic, I will guide you until you have created a routine that resonates and works best for you.

The power of journaling

A great way to start your Shadow Work is by using a journal. Journaling is a powerful tool to gain insight into your thoughts, how your day went, and how you reacted to certain issues.

Some beings journal through the means of audio recording, writing, vlogging, or even through visual art.

Journaling allows you to express yourself without judgment and examine the inner workings of your thought processes.

I will also advise if your time allows it, to journalize your dreams and nightmares. Even when they seem inane, it lets you see what your subconscious comes up with. Sometimes, they can be fun, and sometimes, they reflect the unhealed traumas that you must eventually face.

Below, you will find 20 journal prompts that you can use. Of course, you can keep adding more prompts for the future. After all, This is about your journey to gain a better understanding of yourself.

20 Journal Prompts to ask yourself:

  1. How do I react to others’ success stories?
  2. How much of my happiness depends on someone else?
  3. How do I react when someone compliments me?
  4. How do I react when someone criticizes me?
  5. How do I react when someone criticizes the things that I am fond of?
  6. When I get an intrusive thought, how much influence does it have on my actions and mood?
  7. How much of my mood is affected by everything that occurs around me?
  8. When something unpleasant occurs, how do I react to it?
  9. When someone has disrespected my boundaries, how do I let them know and how do I handle the situation?
  10. When I face difficulties, how do I usually handle them?
  11. When my intelligence or my expertise is challenged, how do I react? What thoughts immediately come to mind when this happens?
  12. When things do not go my way, how do I react?
  13. When mistakes happen, how do I handle them? What if these mistakes are not my own, do I blame someone else?
  14. When I do not agree with someone else’s opinions, how do I usually handle them?
  15. How important is it for me to be right all the time?
  16. How important is it for me to be liked all the time?
  17. What are my views on being alone?
  18. What are my views of myself? What are the things that I like about myself, and what are the things that I can work on?
  19. How do I view my luck? Do I think that it is out of my control or do I think that I am responsible for creating my luck?
  20. When I see someone struggling with something, do I compare my struggles to theirs and judge them based on how they handle it?

Meditate and cleanse your energy

After reflecting, I will advise you to meditate and cleanse your energy. Facing your Darkness is often draining and overwhelming. Meditation will allow you to refocus again and pull you back into the present.

There are different ways of meditating. Some do it through composing music, reading, drawing, listening to music, or even by just sitting there with their eyes closed.

For me? I do it before sleep. What gets me into the mood is by making sure that I am comfortable and in a safe space. I often would wash first, do my skincare, and wear comfortable clothes.

Before I begin, I say this with pure sincerity in my head:

Oh universe and its alter-verses

I thank thee for resolving all the issues of the day, of the past, and the future

Oh Creator and Chaos

I am grateful for your guidance and lessons

Grant me courage, knowledge, and motivation to continue to grow and ascend.

Blessed be!

Then I will light a candle, put on incense, have a cup of tea or water waiting for me, and surround myself with plants. I use elemental energies to ground me while I sit with my legs crossed. I also listen to music with my eyes closed.

I take deep breaths and follow the rhythm of the music until my mind refocuses on the present. I take as much time as I need to until I can release all the weight that I carried for the day. Afterward, I picture myself being surrounded by light and I use this mental image as a shield from any psychological and spiritual attacks that I may face.

Once I am done, I close my night with the mantra below:

Luna, I thank thee

For guiding the creatures on earth with your kind light

For guiding the lost souls roaming the Void

Your silver light grants us the power and courage to face and fight our fears

Luna, may your grace find those who need it the most

I ask for your guidance and power as I walk through the Abyss.

I ask for your assistance to comfort me during the dark nights of my soul.

Blessed be!

You may choose to say the mantras that I use. It is not mandatory and you can use or make up anything that resonates with you the most. Remember, this is your journey and although my purpose is to guide you, you know best what currently works for you.

We all do not fit in one-cookie cutter which makes this planet, and the universe (and its alter-verses) beautiful. We are all One and yet so unique.

Embrace your individuality and don’t let anyone else tell you that the way you go about your journey is wrong. As long as you are NOT harming yourself, others, and the space around you, you will be just fine.

Before you go, here are some numbers for you to take away:

3737: You’re about to manifest your innermost desires

2121: Your prayers have been heard and will be granted

5154: Change is about to come. Prepare yourself.

Until we meet again,


Thank you for reading the second issue of the Lux et Obscurum Grimoire! The issues for this series will be exclusively published on my website and just like the others, it will be free to read. Also, if you haven’t checked out my main series, House of Trials, click here to read the Prologue.

You can connect with me on Twitter TikTok @cyrls_corner and follow my main series: Soul Exchange House of Trials at

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